User Interface Lover,

2023, Soon

2023, Soon
NDA Client,
Product Design, 2022

Identity, Website, 2022
Moi Servis Home,
Product Design, 2022
Moi Servis Auto,
Product Design, 2022

English by Yandex Practicum,
Product Design, 2020-2022

Website, 2021
Identity, Website, 2021

Concept, 2019

ruslan is typing...
Think different. I was shocked when I noticed that sometimes I was victim of trivial copypasted solutions. Sometimes I felt lazy to create something new and even think about it. In general too many projects are based on tried and tested solutions and practices. But I always have people who help me look at the problem from all angles. I believe it's the most important thing I learned. Don't waste time, relax and start think different right now.
Wednesday, 1 February 2023, 12:01

Interest. From time to time we can lose interest in usual things. Learning languages, finishing tasks or just making daily routine. With time I understood why this happened. We forget to enjoy the process. It’s easy! Just have fun, enjoy, feel the moment.
Thursday, 9 February 2023, 19:32


I’m experienced designer with a background in media, edtech, art and contemporary culture. I tend to make people's lives better than before, with the help of design, creative ideas, and technologies. This drives me to work hard, be self-motivated to jump to the next level and constantly absorb new knowledge and acquire skills. I can work both with early stage startups, post product-market fit startups and corporations as well. Most of the time I work as product designer and care about complex things like how products work for people and how they are perceived. Another important thing I value is visualization. I pay a lot of attention to it. Sometimes I also create visual identity for companies. For me it's a process when I focus more on the meaning and feel like a screenwriter who is creating a history for people and visualize it with the help a graphic design.
2022–Now, Freelancer, The Earth. With friends and co-worker we work as a design unit for interesting projects and fun
2020–2022, Yandex, Moscow. I was responsible for user interface and its identity for English learning platform by Yandex Praktikum
2018–2020, Rambler, Moscow. I designed a website, mobile apps and identity for
2016–2018, Artify Agency, Moscow. Full cycle design studio. I created mobile apps and websites design from meeting with the client to presenting ready-made solutions and handing off to development
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